Monday, April 20, 2015

Kittens, Leaves, and Life Lessons

Today, Cherished Reader, I offer you a poem by William Wordsworth about a kitten playing with falling leaves.  Note how the kitten plays with abandon and is honing his hunting skills by such play.  Pay close attention to the kitten's attitude toward and audience and the lessons that the poet learns from this scene.  He is uncommonly perceptive for a human.

Kitten playing in autumn leaves
"First Time Outside - Orange Kitten in Autumn Leaves" photo via Flickr by Dan Zen


The Kitten And Falling Leaves by William Wordsworth

THAT way look, my Infant, lo!
What a pretty baby-show!
See the kitten on the wall,
Sporting with the leaves that fall,
Withered leaves---one---two---and three---
From the lofty elder-tree!
Through the calm and frosty air
Of this morning bright and fair,
Eddying round and round they sink
Softly, slowly: one might think,
From the motions that are made,
Every little leaf conveyed
Sylph or Faery hither tending,---
To this lower world descending,
Each invisible and mute,
Kitten playing in autumn leaves
"Untitled" photo via Flickr by Hannah Johnson
In his wavering parachute.
---But the Kitten, how she starts,
Crouches, stretches, paws, and darts!
First at one, and then its fellow
Just as light and just as yellow;
There are many now---now one---
Now they stop and there are none
What intenseness of desire
In her upward eye of fire!
With a tiger-leap half way
Now she meets the coming prey,
Lets it go as fast, and then
Has it in her power again:
Now she works with three or four,
Like an Indian conjurer;
Quick as he in feats of art,
Far beyond in joy of heart.
Were her antics played in the eye
Of a thousand standers-by,
Clapping hands with shout and stare,
What would little Tabby care
For the plaudits of the crowd?
Over happy to be proud,
Over wealthy in the treasure
Of her own exceeding pleasure!

'Tis a pretty baby-treat;
Nor, I deem, for me unmeet;
Here, for neither Babe nor me,
Other play-mate can I see.
Of the countless living things,
That with stir of feet and wings
(In the sun or under shade,
Upon bough or grassy blade)
And with busy revellings,
Chirp and song, and murmurings,
Made this orchard's narrow space,
And this vale so blithe a place;
Multitudes are swept away
Never more to breathe the day:
Some are sleeping; some in bands
Travelled into distant lands;
Others slunk to moor and wood,
Far from human neighborhood;
And, among the Kinds that keep
With us closer fellowship,
With us openly abide,
All have laid their mirth aside.

Kitten playing in autumn leaves
"Untitled" photo via Flickr by Hannah Johnson
Where is he that giddy Sprite,
Blue-cap, with his colors bright,
Who was blest as bird could be,
Feeding in the apple-tree;
Made such wanton spoil and rout,
Turning blossoms inside out;
Hung---head pointing towards the ground---
Fluttered, perched, into a round
Bound himself, and then unbound;
Lithest, gaudiest Harlequin!
Prettiest Tumbler ever seen!
Light of heart and light of limb;
What is now become of Him?
Lambs, that through the mountains went
Frisking, bleating merriment,
When the year was in its prime,
They are sobered by this time.
If you look to vale or hill,
If you listen, all is still,
Save a little neighboring rill,
That from out the rocky ground
Strikes a solitary sound.
Vainly glitter hill and plain,
And the air is calm in vain;
Vainly Morning spreads the lure
Of a sky serene and pure;
Creature none can she decoy
Into open sign of joy:
Is it that they have a fear
Of the dreary season near?
Or that other pleasures be
Sweeter even than gaiety ?

Yet, whate'er enjoyments dwell
In the impenetrable cell
Of the silent heart which Nature
Furnishes to every creature;
Whatsoe'er we feel and know
Too sedate for outward show,
Such a light of gladness breaks,
Pretty Kitten! from thy freaks,---
Spreads with such a living grace
O'er my little Dora's face;
Yes, the sight so stirs and charms
Thee, Baby, laughing in my arms,
That almost I could repine
That your transports are not mine,
That I do not wholly fare
Even as ye do, thoughtless pair!
And I will have my careless season
Spite of melancholy reason,
Kitten playing in autumn leaves
"Untitled" photo via Flickr by Hannah Johnson
Will walk through life in such a way
That, when time brings on decay,
Now and then I may possess
Hours of perfect gladsomeness.
---Pleased by any random toy;
By a kitten's busy joy,
Or an infant's laughing eye
Sharing in the ecstasy;
I would fare like that or this,
Find my wisdom in my bliss;
Keep the sprightly soul awake,
And have faculties to take,
Even from things by sorrow wrought,
Matter for a jocund thought,
Spite of care, and spite of grief,
To gambol with Life's falling Leaf.


- William Wordsworth

The poet, William Wordsworth is rather observant and has from this brief scene learned several things.  He has noted that the kitten does not care if he has an audience or not.  We cats care nothing for the approbation of humans.  We play our games and engage in our sport purely for our own benefit not to gain the applause of others.  Seeking such approval is beneath us.  This is a lesson that many humans could benefit from.  True happiness does not lie in the approval of others.  The only approval you need for rational happiness is your own, and of course your owner, the cat.  

He also noted that none of the other animals were as pleasing as the cat.  He has finally realized the great truth that all other animals are, in point of fact, inferior.  And lastly, and perhaps most importantly for his own happiness, the poet has learned from the kitten that you should pursue the finer things in life despite sorrow.  Find joy in little things, like the delight of falling leaves and make your own sport with them.  Sorrow comes and sorrow goes.  You must choose to delight in the falling leaves while you can despite the rest of the world's sorrows. 

And so, Dear Reader, I bid you teach your human pet the joys in life and delight in the little things yourself.  As always, I am I am at your service because it pleases me to be so.

Miss Kitty

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