Thursday, December 3, 2015

Why do humans wear Glasses?

Dear Gentle Readers,

Today I have a bit of an observation to make about the way that humans wear glasses.  It has occurred to me that they seem to have no purpose.  My pet human has recently acquired what she calls reading glasses.  I have watched her closely and I can now say with certainty that she spends equal amounts of time reading without them as she does with them.  The wearing of said reading glasses does not make her read faster when I want her to do other things.  Nor do they make her more comfortable and tend towards longer reading sessions when I want to sleep on her lap.

"Shouldn't you be wearing these?" photo via Flickr by Edward Peters

Reading glasses do not appear to increase energy levels or in any way change my human's activities.  They do not seem to have much point, if I am entirely honest.  They only thing I have found good about them is that they come in an interesting case.  I love to watch it open and close revealing it's hidden contents.

I do try to be supportive of my pet even when I find her behavior odd and incomprehensible.  So I decided to anoint the reading glass with my approval by giving them a hearty face rub.  So, I began at the corners and rubbed my face on said reading glasses one evening when she was settling in to read.  And the strange creature seemed annoyed with this.  She made some vaguely disgruntled noise and removed the reading glasses saying that I had put a streak across them and they needed to be cleaned.  Really for a creature that does not lick it's fur into a state of perfection, a human can be very prissy about cleanliness and appearance sometimes.  You'd think I'd bent her whiskers in half and made her look lopsided the way she was carrying on. 

I do not understand her fascination with and appreciation of reading glasses.  Maybe they are somehow related to that strange glowing rectangles all humans love to stare at.  Only, perhaps reading glasses are better because there is one rectangle for each eye?  Who knows.  I suppose the main thing is that she is happy, even if I cannot understand her.  Silly pet.

"My Cat Wears Glasses" photo via Flickr by Nick Perla
Really, how DO they see out of these things?

My dear readers if you do have any insight into why my pet loves reading glasses I'd love to hear it.  I am, as you may suspect, entirely curious about them and their fascinating little case.

I am, as ever, at your service because it pleases me to be so.

Miss Kitty

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