Monday, April 10, 2017

Spring is for Bunnies!

Dearest Readers,

Today, you may be aware, is officially the 21st day of spring.  It is also the the 11th day of my unwarranted incarceration.  Now, my human pet is on occasion a bit overprotective of me.  On nights when the coyotes are howling, I stay indoors and allow her to think I am following her curfew.  But this recent imprisonment is different.

Spring is my favorite season. I love running around in the newly warm air.  I love sitting in the middle of a field of delicate flowers.  I love butterflies.  I love the playful breeze that tickles my whiskers while I nap in the sun.

I LOVE baby bunnies!

And my human has unjustly imprisoned me these last eleven days.  Eleven days!  More than an entire week of forced indoor time.  I can't for the life of me figure out why she has done this to me.  Eleven days without a single butterfly or bunny to play with.

I don't think my human is being intentionally cruel but she must not understand how much I love rabbits.  They are small, soft, adorable and I simply love to kill them.

I've brought my human four dead rabbits since spring started.  The first baby rabbit I killed I brought in the house while she was away.  I don't think that she was very pleased that it wasn't fresh when she finally found it.  The next baby bunny I killed, I brought to her in the middle of the night.  It was very fresh.  It's legs were still floppy when she saw it. But somehow she wasn't quite as happy as I thought she should be.

I decided she just must be tired so I kept my joy of spring to myself for a bit.  I brought in a dead baby bunny to play with while she slept on another night.  But when she found it she got rid of it and seemed upset.  I think she was jealous that I had a toy and she didn't.  Honestly, I wish humans would communicate a little bit better.  Because I truly love her, I went out to catch her a new toy.  I found and killed a new toy for her with perfectly tiny baby bunny ears and she still wasn't happy.

There was only one conclusion that we could draw from this.  She must have wanted to kill her own baby bunnies.  So, on my last excursion outside, I caught her a new baby bunny.  This new bunny toy I brought into the house still kicking.  I'd carefully captured it with only a few minor wounds.  She promptly took her toy outside without me.

I thought she was pleased.  She must have noticed the pains I went to in order to catch it for her.  But since that evening she has been locking my cat door after dinner.

How am I supposed to enjoy spring this way?  How am I meant to chase butterflies and eat bunnies if I am stuck inside staring at spring through a window.

Maybe she is concerned that I am not getting enough sleep these days.  I've been sleeping all day to try to convince her that I am fine and ready to go outside again. 

If it pleases you to give me any advice on this troubling subject of human and cat interactions, I would be most obliged.

Until then, I am, as always, at your service as it pleases me to be so.

Miss Kitty